Thursday, November 30, 2006


Less than two months ago I had the Mets in the NLCS, the Giants 6-2, and the usual start of season optimism of the Rangers and Knicks. Since that time, things have fallen apart. The Mets ended up losing in seven games to the Cardinals and now a seem to have an infatuation with 40 year outfielders and pitchers. The Rangers have played decently, but still depend too much on one line and still have not gotten out of the first round of the playoffs in nine years. The forefront of my frustration at the moment though is the Knicks and the Giants.

I have gone over my love/hate relationship with these Knicks time and time again. I will always root for the blue and orange, but there are a number of people on the team and within the organization that I hate. Sometimes I wonder what it will be like when Isiah and Marbury are gone from the Garden. Will they have the nerve to ever return and face the fans whose team they drove into perpetuity? Will MSG pretend Isiah never happened, just like they do with Larry Brown? It really doesn't matter though because right now Isiah and his clown-filled team still inhabit the Garden. I won't dwell more on this team, because I have done so too many times, and they are coming of a win last night. My frustration today has been shifted to the Meadowlands.

Through this losing streak I have wondered why I am always looking to defend #10 first. While I described in a previous post all of the virtues of giving baby bro a chance, there is another reason why I feel I am partial to him. The veterans on this team that have been around for a while are all assholes, specifically Jeremy Shockey, Michael Strahan and Tiki Barber. All of them are notorious for throwing coaches/teammates under the bus and not showing up in big games, but also having flashes of brilliance that make you think they have the potential to dominate.

Of the three, I have to attack Shockey the least. He is a very emotional guy and after games he has said stuff while he was still in the moment. In days that followed he would apologize for his comments, and blamed himself, not the media for his actions. In addition, he had pressure upon coming to New York that Tiki and Strahan did not. From the first preseason game that Shockey played with the Giants the fans and media were enamored with him. Early in his career he did not handle it well and said a lot of inappropriate things. The fact remains though that he blows off optional off season camps and is known to say anything after a loss. His mouth does not have a filter.

Strahan has been with the Giants since 1993. He is the one link to the LT/Simms glory days. Somehow in all that time in New York he has not learned how to deal with the media. He has long had a tumultuous relationship with the New York press, culminating in their despicable coverage of his divorce this past summer. When he came to training camp though, Strahan decided to blame all of the beat reporters, who had nothing to do with his divorce coverage. Yesterday, he ripped apart and embarrassed a reporter in front of 35 or so media members and on camera. While I do not support what the reporter did (trying to stir up problems with Burress) Strahan should know better than to try and lecture the press. All it does it cause more problems, and make himself look worse. Can we go one day without having a back page story concerning a member of the team and nothing to do with the game of football???

In my mind Tiki is the worst. A few years back he called out Strahan while he was in a contract dispute. Aren't the players supposed to stick up for one another? More recently he threw Coach Coughlin under the bus on two different occasions. Before Coughlin came around he was fumbling every other game and now he trashes the guy?? He seems more concerned with his life after football than winning a Super Bowl with the Giants. He already thinks he is respected member of the press, and along with Strahan feels he should tell the press how to do their job.

These guys have won nothing in New York. Their most memorable moments are two big playoff meltdowns (1997 against the Vikings and 2002 against the 49ers) and getting killed in Super Bowl XXXVI against the Ravens. I have and will continue to root for them, but they really make it tough when they are so idiotic and arrogant in the press. At least #10 is humble and gracious, even if he is playing like a scared baby right now....

1 comment:

brianabrianabrianabriana said...

maybe because you're a baby bro yourself